Since the manufacture of our first watertight door in 1939, Walz & Krenzer has been the industry leader in the supply of personnel sized custom watertight doors. Whether your requirements call for manual or power operation, you can be assured of a fully engineered product, which will comply with all specifications and regulations.
Sliding Watertight Doors
With over 70 years of experience in the sliding door business, our doors combine decades of experience with today’s technologies. Available with electro-hydraulic, electro-mechanical, or manual operation. WK sliding watertight doors are available with manual, electro-hydraulic, or electro-mechanical operation, and can be supplied to all classification society regulations. For power operated sliding doors, controls are supplied pre-mounted on the door frame, significantly reducing shipyard installation time. Where space constraints exist, operating equipment can be mounted separately on the bulkhead.
Doors can be designed for any size, location, or pressure requirement. Retrofit packages are available to upgrade control and indication systems to comply with current SOLAS and/or USCG requirements.

Hinged Watertight Doors
Available for practically any size door for pressure requirements ranging from weathertight to 100′ heads.
New ABS rules require that hinged doors located at or below the deepest load line draft in column-stabilized and surface units have remote control. WK has provided power operated hinged doors that meet this requirement.
Both single and double door panel doors can be operated from both sides or from one side only. Options include view ports, remote indication and operation, cylinder assist, and insulation.

High Pressure Watertight Doors
Walz & Krenzer, Inc. is the pre-eminent supplier of high pressure watertight doors for the deepwater sector. Designed for head exceeding 100′ (30.5m), these doors are usually accompanied by stringent quality assurance requirements, and often require special manufacturing processes. We excel in careful attention to details and quality manufacturing. Full hydrostatic testing is available as is often required by regulatory bodies.
Due to their sensitive locations, high pressure doors often require more complex operating equipment, such as explosion proof or intrinsically safe controls. Both sliding and hinged doors are available with either manual or power operation, including remote indication and/or control.
Special consideration is given to corrosion resistance due to high moisture levels in the lower section of drill rigs.
High pressure doors are available in any size, for any location, and for just about any pressure.